Thursday, March 10, 2016

Laundry Pro by Aerus

Uses cold water only. 
Keeps your clothes softer, static-free, chemical-free, and irritant-free.  Environmentally friendly. 

Eliminates the need for:
1.  Hot water.
2.  Laundry detergent and bleaches.
3.  Fabric softener.
4.  The cold water is infused with oxygen peroxide gases that allow for the water to bubble and fizz, which lifts the grime and dirt from your clothing. 
5.  To separate clothes by fabric or color.  Wow!! 
6.  Might eliminate the need for rubbing alcohol to get rid of sweaty smells from clothes. 

Yes, it does that too.  Costs average family $500/year to do their laundry with 90% of the costs going to just to heat the water.  Really?  I thought it would have been more.  Which means that you can save up to $450 a year on your energy bill alone. 

The Laundry Pro creates Hydrogen Peroxide, O2.  Hydrogen Peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen.  Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation.  Hydrogen peroxide is considered the worlds' safest all natural effective sanitizer

*  Whitens clothes.  A great alternative to chlorine bleach.
*  Healthy.  Your body creates Hydrogen Peroxide to fight infection which must be present for our immune system to function correctly.

*  Infections.  Even gangrene that would not heal with any medicine has been healed by soaking in Hydrogen Peroxide.
*  Tooth whitener.
*  Laundry stain removing.
*  Mold.
*  Tooth Paste.
*  Disinfectant and cleaning agent in the dishwasher.
*  Sanitizing agent & Disinfectant.


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